On my last blog I wrote some thoughts on letting go of bullsh*t. The reason why I believe that is so important is not only to make the necessary changes to get to your future self, but also to make time for your current self to develop.
When you eliminate distractions and bs you end up having more "free" time to do things for yourself. In reality the time was always there it was just occupied by something else. Time that you spent distracting yourself, watching tv, playing video games, or laying mindlessly scrolling through your Tik Tok or Instagram feed can now be spent on developing your future self. Most of us have goals and things we want to achieve in life and we have a narrative in our head that we will achieve our goals when the time is right. But when is the right time? Will there ever be a time where you feel comfortable enough to pursue the dreams that scare you? Is there a time where everything in your life will line up perfectly and you land that next big opportunity or a time where all the work you have put in will pay off and you will finally achieve financial freedom?
Personally I don't believe anything like that will ever happen which is why I decided to start now. I decided to start loving myself, I decided to put myself first and to work on healing myself. I realized that my life was not going to change and move forward until I made the necessary changes for that to happen. My goals and dreams are big and scary and I can't wait for someone to make them come true because I will be waiting for a lifetime. Same thing with you.
You may decide that you want to wait a little longer to see what direction you want your life to start heading. You may want to wait for the perfect time and that time may come. But it also may not come. Either ways time doesn't stop for anyone so I encourage you to make a decision. Decide to take your life and future into your own hands. I'm not saying that you can control or create anything you wish after all we all have our own unique strengths, abilities and limitations. But you can start to slowly shift your life in the direction you want to head. Start with the end goal in mind, make time for yourself, your goals & dreams. With consistent action and perseverance you will see progress and begin to close the gap between where you are currently & where you want to be.
If you got this far I would appreciate your thoughts, comments, or concerns. You can reach me anytime via email: innerevolucion@gmail.com or via instagram: @innerevolucion or you can simply book a 1:1 session with me.
Photo credits: V. Guzman